Suzanne Tompkins, North American TAFF Administrator 206-367-8898 suzlet at aol com
Nominations are now open for the 2008 North America-to-Europe TAFF race. The winner will attend Orbital 2008, the Eastercon, being held on March 21-24, 2008, near Heathrow Airport in London, England. For convention details, see
To become a candidate for this race you must provide:
- Five nominations from known fans, three of whom must be North American and two European (nominators should send a signed nomination via postal mail OR if sending the nomination by e-mail, include a phone number for verification);
- A written platform, not to exceed 101 words;
- A $20 bond and a pledge that you will take the trip if you win. (Send via postal mail; make checks payable to "Suzanne Tompkins".)
All nominations, platforms, pledges, and $20 bonds must reach me at the address(es) below by midnight, July 16, 2007. So long as at least two prospective candidates have satisfied these requirements by that date, distribution of ballots, in both electronic and paper form, will begin immediately thereafter.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. If you plan to run, please alert me as soon as possible.
Suzanne Tompkins
North American TAFF Administrator
PO Box 25075
Seattle WA 98165
E-mail: SuzleT at aol dot comWHAT IS TAFF? The Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund was created in 1953 for the purpose of providing funds to bring well-known and popular fans familiar to those on both sides of the ocean across the Atlantic. Since that time, TAFF has regularly brought North American fans to European conventions and European fans to North American conventions. TAFF exists solely through the support of fandom. The candidates are voted on by interested fans from all over the world, and each vote is accompanied by a donation of not less than US $3 or UK £2. These votes, and the continued generosity of fandom, are what make TAFF possible.
More information about TAFF's history, customs, and practices may be found at the unofficial site maintained by Dave Langford at