TAFFLUVIA number six is the May 1986 issue of the newsletter of the Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund, North American branch, and comes to you from Western Division administrators Patrick & Teresa Nielsen Hayden at 75 Fairview #2D New York NY 10040 212-942-6832. Details on the new Eastern Division honcho follow.
Greg Pickersgill wins TAFF
Voting has been tabulated in the 1986 TAFF race, and the results are as follows.
FIRST BALLOT: Simon Ounsley Judith Hanna Greg Pickersgill Hold Over Funds Write-in Australia (total 9): 3 5 1 Europe (total 104): 37 16 48 2 * 1 North America (total 136): 44 40 49 ** 3 Total (249 votes): 84 61 98 2 4 (*) 1 vote for Woofie Bear
(**) 1 vote each for Ken Slater, Terry Jeeves, and the Yorkshire RipperSince no candidate obtained an overall majority, counting proceeded to a second ballot. The write-in candidates were eliminated for having received the fewest votes, and Judith Hanna was eliminated for having failed to obtain 20% of the 104 votes cast in Europe. All ballots voting for these candidates were redistributed among the remaining candidates according to their next preference. The second (and final) ballot results were:
SECOND BALLOT: Simon Ounsley Greg Pickersgill Hold Over Funds (No Preference) Australia 6 3 Europe 46 52 5 (1) North America 62 70 2 (2) Total 114 125 7 (3) Thus GREG PICKERSGILL received an overall majority on the second ballot, after leading with pluralities on both sides of the Atlantic on the first ballot, and will be the TAFF delegate to the World Science Fiction Convention in Atlanta over Labor Day Weekend, 1986. Congratulations, Greg! And thanks much to the other candidates for helping to make this one of the most enthusiastically-followed TAFF races in years. It's our hope that both Judith and Simon will consider visiting North American fandom on their own steam, or running for TAFF again; more than a few voters wailed to us their distress at being unable to vote for all three candidates at once.
Ballot counting in North America was accomplished with the aid of IRS-trained Bill "Honest" Wagner; two ballots were disallowed for failure to enclose the minimum donation, and two people accidentally voted twice. Rob Hansen will publish the list of European voters in TAFF-ETA #3, available for a postal reply coupon from him; meanwhile, the North American and Australian voters were Alyson Abramowitz, Justin Ackroyd, David Axler, 5. 0. Barrerra, Bryan Barrett, Chris Bates, Allen Baum, Richard Bergeron, Ruth Berman, John 0. Berry, Steve Bieler, Paul Birnbaum, Linda Blanchard, Velma Bowen, Bill Bowers, Jeanne Bowman, Brian Earl Brown, rich brown, Valma Brown, Dave Bridges, Charles Burbee, Allan D. Burrows, Bill Burns, Mary Burns, Allyn Cadogan, Marty Cantor, Robbie Cantor, Jackie Causgrove, William Cavin, David W. Clark, Cy Chauvin, Rich Coad, Eli Cohen, Sandy Cohen, Wendy Counsil, Catherine Crockett, Hal Davis, M. K. Digre, Michael Dobson, Cathy Doyle, Michael DuCharme, Shelley Dutton, Leigh Edmonds, Gary Farber, Bruce Farr, Doug Faunt, Moshe Feder, Donald Franson, Terry A. Garey, Linda Gerstein, Richard Gilliam, Alexis Gilliland, Mike Glicksohn, Diane Goldman, Jeanne Gomoll, Victor Gonzalez, Cay Haldeman, Joe W. Haldeman, Christopher Hatton, Jack Herman, David Herrington, Irwin Hirsh, Kim Huett, Terry Hughes, Lucy Huntzinger, Olivia Jasen, Jane Jewell, Ken Josenhans, Neil Kaden, Jerry Kaufman, Jay Kinney, Richard Labonte, George Laskowski, Roy Lavender, Robert Lichtman, Dennis Lien, Eric Lindsay, Dave Locke, Anne Laurie Logan, Lesleigh Luttrell, Candice Massey, Gary Mattingly, Marie Mayer, Richard McAllister, Craig Miller, John Mitchell, Janice Murray, Debbie Notkin, Spike Parsons, Tom Perry, Patty Peters, Curt Phillips, D Potter, Andy Porter, Sarah Prince, Robert Reedy, Mark W. Richards, Joseph J. Rico, Dave Rike, Peter Roberts, Carol Root, Alan Rosenthal, Richard S. Russell, Louise Sachter, Ron Salomon, Jeff Schalles, Diedre Schardt, Stacy Scott, Joyce Scrivner, Stu Shiffman, Michael Sinclair, David Singer, Al Sirois, Rick Sneary, Laura Spiess, Dan Steff an, Elaine Stiles, Steve Stiles, Geri Sullivan, Pascal Thomas, Amy Thomson, Peter Toluzzi, Suzanne Tompkins, Philip N. Tortorici, Bruce Tounley, Karen Trego, R. Laurraine Tutihasi, Edd Vick, Dennis \Iirzi, Harry Warner Jr., Jean Weber, Tom Weber, Roger Weddall, George H. Wells, Donya Hazard White, Ted White, Tom Whitmore, Art Widner, Marc Willner, Paul Williams, Walter K. Willis, Martin Morse Wooster, Richard Wright, Ben Yalow, and Rich Zellich.
Doubtless some ballots will trail in late, but since this is being typed immediately following the deadline, we don't know who they'll be from; we'll list them next time.
Ballot donations in North America and Australia totalled $556.35; from 145 voters, that's just under $4 per ballot, which is a very generous average. In particular we'd like to single out Hal Davis and Richard Russell, each of whom donated $35 with their ballots. But many other voters enclosed $5, $10, $15 and so forth, and we thank them too.
A final electoral detail. As some of you noticed, in the last two weeks of voting some ballots appeared in circulation which omitted the customary space to check off "Hold Over Funds" on the voting side. These were produced by ex-TAFF administrator Terry Hughes and distributed with the second issue of the fanzine FUCK THE TORIES. We have spoken with Mr. Hughes and he promises to appear at the next five cons he attends with his head in a paper sack. Meanwhile, all the voters who used those defective ballots have been contacted, and they all tell us they were aware that Hold Over Funds was among their choices. We think this is adequate, and have counted all those votes as valid. (Still, next time you see Terry at a con, give his sack a rustle for us.)
In other news, since our last issue TAFF has become indebted for gratuitous donations and logistical help to Fred Haskell, Georges Giguere, and Dave Langford, and to ConFederation (for arranging to provide the TAFF winner with a free membership) and to Minn-Stf and DeepSouthCon 23 (for donations of $50 apiece). Thanks very much, again. Langford's donation this time is a bound facsimile volume of TWLL-DDU, his great fanzine of the 1970s that no one in North America ever saw, and we'll be offering it up for auction in our next issue.
And speaking of auctions: Last issue was so late that this one is being produced less than a month after most of you received it. As a result, we've received very few bids in the current postal auction so far; in particular, the mighty Kim Huett has yet to be heard from, so the rest of you still have a chance. We haven't got room to reproduce all the listings we posted in last month's issue, so the best we can do is suggest that you dig out your copy and bid, bid, bid! Some prime items are going begging. Revised (and final) deadline for that cycle of auction bidswill be August 1, 1986, which is when we expect to do the next issue of this newsletter.
One more announcement and we'll fall off the page. In TAFFLUVIA #2, last September, we set a schedule for the next North-America-to-Europe race; this schedule was predicated on the assumption that the winner would travel to the 1987 Eastercon in April of next year. Since then, in view of the way that Eastercon and the British Worldcon later in the year are respectively shaping up, all of the currently announced candidates in that race have expressed a strong preference for attending the Worldcon instead. As a result, that old schedule is now pronounced defunct; a new one will have to wait until we can consult in detail with the new European administrator, Greg Pickersgill, but it'll probably amount to pushing all the dates forward by at least a couple of months. Watch this space. As for Greg's plans and travel itinerary later this year, we'll do our best to keep everyone informed, but if you're curious (or want to invite him to your city), he can be reached at 7A Lawrence Road, South Ealing, London US 4XJ UK. Which concludes this minimalist, no-frills issue of TAFFLUVIA. Good on you all.
p & t nh
75 Fairview #20
New York NY 10040