An official Transatlantic Fan Fund bulletin from Dave Langford, 22 Northumberland Avenue, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 7PW, UK. Title stolen from Peter Roberts, who as the former UK administrator (I mean European Administrator) published TAFF TALK 1-4. The US administrator, I mean the North American Administrator, is still Terry Hughes, 6205 Wilson Blvd, (102), Falls Church, VA 22044, USA.
If you're reading this at Novacon there should be a 1960/81 TAFF ballot attached to explain precisely what the fund is all about (basically the transfer of popular fans to attend conventions across the Atlantic). If you're reading it in Ansible 13, you had a ballot form with number 12 (probably): please use this if you're entitled to do so. If you're reading it in Ansible 13 and at Novacon, I'm around somewhere with a stock of spare ballots and Things For Sale in aid of the fund...
Taff-Ddu alias Twll-Ddu 17 with much writing by Jim Barker and Dave Langford, a poll-topping fanzine published specially in aid of TAFF: 50p (75p by post.)
Twll-Ddu 18 from Dave Langford -- latest issue of the Hugo-nominated personalzine which tells you everything you didn't know and didn't want to ask about fans and fandom: 50p. (If you think you should have received a free copy, tell me.)
War In 2080 Corrections -- a 4pp supplement to my unfamous book, which contains all the alterations made to the hardback for next February's Sphere paperback. Update your hardback now! 10p (20p by post unless you order something else too).
Wholly Illicit Photographs: TAFF lover Arnold Akien has painstakingly taken a series of photos from the Seacon TV programme, a quick flip through them disclosing fans called Williams, Smith, Glicksohn, Charnock, Weston, Barker, Leiber+Shaw+McIntyre, Higgins, Bell, Roberts, Meara, Aldiss (inc. one with his tongue out), James and what's-her-name with the boobs & wings... 35p each. Stop me and ask to see the selection!Drilkjis 3 (Smith/Langford, 1978): few copies only left, contains Bob Shaw's 'Up the Conjunction' speech from Skycon: 40p. Bob has two fan Hugos now...
William Rotsler Badges individually handpainted by the Hugo-winning fan artist; £1 each. Most with space for your name. £2 for the collaboration with Alexis Gilliland. Again, ask to see the selection...
Dekalb Flying Sweetcorn Stickers: an, um, unusual item sent by crazed US fan Marie Bartlett. Six of these strange winged fertility symbols (1¾" long) on each sheet. Roars of laughter! Breaks the ice at parties! 25p a sheet...
Postcards of New York with tasteful NY IN 86 slogans on the reverse: free with purchases while stocks last. (TAFF doesn't endorse con bids, but I do.)
TAFF seems healthy at the moment with £382.10 in the European kitty (as of 29 October). Both candidates, Stu Shiffman and Gary Farber, have been personally inspected by myself and definitely meet the required British Standard for TAFF delegates -- more info on ballot. Watch for one of them at Yorcon... As an INDUCEMENT to voters I shall be conducting a 'raffle' whereby one of the lucky folk who cast TAFF votes via me will randomly receive either a copy of my UFO book AN ACCOUNT OF A MEETING WITH DENIZENS OF ANOTHER WORLD, 1871 (D&C hardback. 1979) or R.A. Lafferty's excellent DOES ANYONE ELSE HAVE SOMETHING FURTHER TO ADO? (Dobson hardback, 1979) -- according to preference. This will be tough luck on Kevin Smith if he wins -- one of the few people in the known universe who own both books... TAFF thanks the BSFA and Yorcon II for their kindness in distributing ballots, and the voters for voting and donating (full list next time around). Remember the deadline is December 1 1980: Vote now! Don't delay! Taff needs you.