Published in the interests of the Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund by Terry Carr, 35 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn, N.Y., 11201, and Thomas Schlück, 3 Hannover, Altenbekener Damm 10, Germany.


Following the 1966 TAFF trip by Thomas Schlück to the Tricon in Cleveland and thence onward all across the country to the west coast, back again to New York and Washington D.C., and finally home to Germany, plans are now being laid for a west-to-east TAFF trip to the British National Convention in Easter, 1968. Nominations are now open for worthy fans to send on this trip, aud nominations will close at midnight, March 31, 1967.

To appear on the ballot, an American fan must meet the following four qualifications:

(a) He must be nominated by three American fans and two European fans.

(b) He must submit a one hundred word nominating platform to be published on the reverse of the TAFF voting ballot. It's customary for a nominator to take care of this.

(c) A $5.00 bond of good faith must accompany the nomination – the five signers ought to scrape this up, too.

(d) The candidate must sign a statement of willingness to travel to the 1968 British National Convention if elected.

We understand there are already some movements afoot to nominate prominent fans for this trip, and we advise you that now is the time to talk or correspond with your friends about who you'd like to send to England in '63. Gathering nominations on two sides of the Atlantic can take longer than you may think, and sometimes a prospective candidate has to be coaxed a little to bolster his courage to run.

Remember: Nominations will close at midnight, March 31, 1967, by which time all four requirements for candidacy must be in the hands of one or the other TAFF Administrator. Voting ballots will be distributed early in April 1967, and the final voting deadline will be January 5, 1968.

The "Australian Ballot" system of voting which was inaugurated with this past election will be continued in next year's election, as will the "Hold Over Funds" option on the ballot. Tom Schlück will open a TAFF account in Great Britain in order to handle British donations easily – he can also handle German funds, of course, or French, Italian, Japanese, Pakistani or Nationalist Chinese if the money is forced upon him.

Tom has not yet had time to straighten out the complete changeover of the European Administration from Arthur Thomson to himself, so an exact accounting of funds currently on hand on that side isn't available; however, they are very low. The TAFF aocount in New York has $212.32, of which $60.00 was obtained at the Tricon through a special auction of the original manuscripts of the DOUBLE:BILL Symposium, kindly donated by coeditors Bill Mallardi and Bill Bowers and expertly auctioned by Harlan Ellison. $150.00 more was turned back in to TAFF by Tom Schlück out of the $200.00 special donation made by the Pacificon II Committee over-and-above the regular TAFF bankroll of $600.00 f or the TAFF representative. The number of people deserving loud, thanks is already mounting; therefore, and before the end of the upcoming campaign we hope to add your name.

The following is the official final count on the 1966 TAFF campaign which elected Thomas Schlück on the first ballot:

Eric Jones 39
Pete Weston 20
Bo Stenfors 5
Hold Over Funds 2
Write-in: Len Moffatt *1

*(But Len wasn't eligible for this trip!)

The breakdown by European and American voting was as follows:

American European
Eric Jones 17 22
Pete Weston 15 5
Bo Stenfors 2 3
Hold Over Funds 2 0
Write-in 1 0

Tom Schlück won on the first ballot with 83 out of 150 votes, a clear majority. The list of voters on the American side was:

Len Atkins, Ruth Berman, Dainis Bisenieks, John Boardman, Jean Bogert, John Boston, Charley Brown, Marsha Brown, Rich Brown, Robert P. Brown, Elinor Busby, F. M. Busby, K. Martin Carlson, Terry Carr, Jack Chalker, Hal Clement, Ron Ellik, Dick Eney, Donald Franson, Jack Gaughan, Dan Goodman, Cindy Heap, P. G. Herbert, Allan Howard, Ben Jason, Arnie Katz, Miriam Knight, June Konigsberg, Deedee Lavender, Lois Lavender, Roy Lavender, Fred Lerner, Al (West Coast) Lewis, Dick Lupoff, Robert A. Madle, Bill Mallardi, Richard Mann, Lore Matthaey, John A. McCallum, Larry McCombs, Dave McDaniel, Joyce McDaniel, Mike Melnerney, Banks Mebane, Don & Jo Meisner, Ed Meskys, Len Moffatt, Alexei Panshin, Fred Patten, Bob Pavlat, Peggy Rae Pavlat, Bruce Pelz, Dannie Plachta, Andy Porter, Boyd Raeburn, Alva Rogers, Jock Root, Leland Sapiro, Beresford Smith, Rick Sneary, Ben Solon, J. Ben Stark, Bill Thailing, Bjo Trimble, John Trimble, Paul Turner, Dave Van Arnam, Michael Ward, Harry Warner, Wally Weber, Charles Wells, Ted White, Donald A. Wollhaim and Elsie Wollheim.

Contributors who did not vote or whose ballots arrived too late to be counted were: John W. Andrews, Harold Palmer Piser, Oswald Train, Kathryn Arwen Trimble and Richard Wilson.

The final list of voters on the European side is not yet available.

*** *** ***

TAFF Trip Reports: At last report, Arthur Thomson had most or all of his trip report on stencil, and it remained simply to run it off, collate and staple. Fans who have read the manuscript report it's one of the best TAFF trip reports yet. Wally Weber, after discarding his first draft of his report because of dissatisfaction with its quality, is working on another draft. Terry Carr intends to have his report finished by the end of this year – he'd better, since its title is LAST YEAR AT THE MOUNT ROYAL. And Tom Schlück says he's working on his now. Watch your favorite newszines for announcements.

TCarr Pub 265