Published in the interests of the Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund by Terry Carr, 35 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201, and Thomas Schlück, 3 Hannover, Georgswall 5, Germany. Mimeography courtesy of Dick Lupoff.


After possibly the closest TAFF voting in the Fund's history, Steve Stiles won on the second ballot and will represent American fandom at 1968's British National Convention over Easter.

The first ballot ended in a dead-heat tie:

Ed Cox 40
Hold Over Funds 1
Write-in: Len Moffatt 1
Write-in: Bob Pavlat 1

The second ballot awarded a close victory to Stiles:

Ted Johnstone 62

Differences in total-vote counts between the first and second ballots were occasioned by voters who didn't fill out their ballots past the #1 slot when voting for Cox, Hold Over Funds, or write-in candidates.

The voting in Europe was surprisingly light; only 15 ballots were received by Tom Schlück. 8 of these were from German fans, 7 from England. Even so, in such a close election, the European votes were highly important to the outcome.

The breakdown by European and American voting was as follows. On the first ballot:

American European
Ed Cox 32 8
Write-in: Bob Pavlat 0 1

On the second ballot:

American European
Ted Johnstone 58 4

Steve Stiles is currently making plans for his TAFF trip. Letters of congratulations, suggestions, and advice from England may be sent to Steve at 1809 Second Avenue, New York, N.Y., U.S.A.

The following people voted on the American side:

Dan Alderson, Karen Anderson, Poul Anderson, Lon Atkins, Len Bailes, Ed Baker, Robert Bell Jr., Ruth Berman, John D. Berry, Barbara Blackbeard, Bill Blackbeard, James Blish, John Boardman, Jean Bogert, Redd Boggs, N.A. Bratmon, Ned Brooks, Charlie Brown, Connie Brown, Marsha Brown, Rich Brown, Robert P. Brown, Charles Burbee, Elinor Busby, F.M. Busby, Colin Cameron, Carol Carr, Terry Carr, Phil Castora, Jim Caughran, Ross Chamberlain, Wm. J. Clark, Jessie Clinton, Sid Coleman, Leigh Couch, Juanita Coulson, Buck Coulson, Anne Cox, Ed Cox, Dick Daniels, Walt Daugherty, Thomas Digby, Alex Eisenstein, Phyllis Eisenstein, Gordon Eklund, Ron Ellik, Dick Ellington, Mitch Evans, Dorothea M. Faulkner, Dave Fox, John Foyster, Don Franson, Les Gerner, Owen Hannifen, Phil Harrell, Tina Hensel, Hilda Hoffman, Fred Hollander, Allan Howard, Dave Hulan, Ted Johnstone, Dwain Kaiser, Arnie Katz, Ben Keifer, Betty Knight, Eph Konigsberg, Gil Lamont, Fritz Leiber, Fred Lerner, Al Lewis, Anthony Lewis, Bob Lichtman, Thomas Locke, Doug Lovenstein, Dick Lupoff, Pat Lupoff, Hank Luttrell, Rich Mann, Joyce McDaniel, Bill McDermit, Mike McInerney, Banks Mebane, June Moffatt, Len Moffatt, J.G. Newkom, Frederick Norwood, Alexei Panshin, Fred Patten, Bruce Pelz, Tom Perry, Joe Pilati, Andy Porter, Jerry Shaw, Art Saha, Dick Schultz, Jim Schumacher, Al Schuster Jr., John V. Shaw, Bob Silverberg, Donald Simpson, Beresford Smith, Ginger Smith, Helen Smith, Rick Sneary, Karl Spreitzer, Kriss Stevens, Lyn Stier, Steve Stiles, Henry Stine, Roy Tacket, Bjo Trimble, John Trimble, Dave Van Arnam, Bob Vardeman, Mike Ward, Harry Warner, Wally Weber, Charles Wells, Jon White, Robin White, Ed Wood, Roger Zelazny.

Voters on the European side were:

Heinrich R. Arenz, Alfred Baha, H.R. Bell, Ron Bennett, Eddie Jones, Gary Kluepfel, Waldemar Kumming, Ethel Lindsay, John Owen, G.P. Possato, Walter Reinecke, Franz Rottensteiner, Juergen Thadewald, Wolfgang Thadewald, Arthur Thomson.

Ken Bulmer, Bob Madle and Dick Schultz contributed additional money without voting. The Bristolcon (1976 British National Convention) contributed £40, approx. $95.00. The Tricon contributed $100, and the NyCon3 contributed $250. Many thanks are due to these people and committee members; in addition, thanks must go to Harlan Ellison and Bob Silverberg for their participation in the TAFF auction at NyCon3. One hour of Ellison's time was auctioned by Silverberg, bringing a price of $40.00. Then Jan Trenholm, who had led the group buying Ellison, allowed an hour of her time to be auctioned by Ellison, with half the proceeds going to TAFF and half to the Columbus in '69 bid; author H.H. Hollis paid $42.00 in this bidding.

As a result of these donations and the contributions accompanying votes, the TAFF treasury now stands as follows:

American: $934.30
European: *$160.00

*(Approx $27 in German funds, $133 in British funds.)

$600 of this will go to Steve Stiles for his trip, leaving a sizable amount to give next year's administrators a head start in collecting funds for the next Europe-toAmerica TAFF trip.


ATOM ABROAD, Arthur Thomson's 90-page, profusely illustrated account of his 1964 TAFF trip to the World Convention in Oakland, California, is now available. The price is $1.00 or 7/- per copy, from:

Ian Peters
292 Southend Lane
Catford, London SE6, England